Welcome to the virtual ZeroEC Booth!
ZeroEC technology replaces the current electric conductors with a patented technology that enables the use of free electrons for data transport in semiconductor applications. Unlike copper, our technology makes it possible to transmit the information from the sending unit to the receiving unit in microscopic bundles, using approximately only 100 electrons per bit, compared to the +10,000-100,000 electrons that are needed to charge the metal in conventional copper conductors – and without the need for conversion, as in fibre optics.
As high bandwidth density between chips is becoming a necessity for high-performance chips, increasing bandwidth density at low power has become a major task for all packaging technologies (SiP, 2.5D, 3D) and is the fundament for today’s and tomorrow’s Hot Chips. Using free electrons for data transport, ZeroEC is introducing a new approach that is capable of increasing the possible bandwidth density to 100.000 Tbps/mm over the next years.
*Note: Low Vacuum might be necessary to be maintained in the tubes.
Free electrons are the solution for packaging and high bandwidth density!
Free electrons are perfect for packaging and other applications which require high bandwidth density.
Check out our explainer video :
Here you can see how a FAB-made 3D Interconnect looks like:
ZeroEC has started developing a tool-set using free-electrons that cares for several needs. We provide solutions for reducing the pitch size to <5micron, increase bandwidth per connection up to 10 Gbps or reduce 99.9% of power consumption for data transport between chips.
Our journey has just begun. The physical concept can replace copper and fibre optics in the future in almost all applications. We are looking forward to discuss how our technology can boost your chips. Feel free to contact us and let us help you find the benefits in ZeroEC technology.
ZeroEC: Cold chips are Hot Chips!
Availability via Slack:
We will be available to chat with you anytime between 8:00 AM and 6:00 PM, Monday and Tuesday, August 17th and 18th.
If you like to meet via Zoom, mail us at at times you can’t find us in slack.